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Friday, July 24, 2015

Cold Blooded in Top 4 Spots in Amazon's 'Spies' and 'Special Forces'

I will be writing the finish to ‘Hard Case VI: The Killer Inside’ this weekend at a little over a 100K words. It probably is the most violent, action packed entry in the series so far with a lot of humor. John Harding leads his crew of Monsters in a string of deadly assaults on Isis compounds and pipelines from South America while preparing for his UFC bout against The Berserker: Rutger Northman.

In other writing news, my Cold Blooded series made it to the top four spots in the Amazon ‘Spies’ and ‘Special Forces’ categories. It’s neat to see them up there.  :)



Charles Gramlich said...

I've got several of yours unread on my kindle. Need to carve out some reading time.

BernardL said...

Considering how busy you've been, my friend, it's a wonder you've had any time to write or read. I sure hope the house maintenance problems end for you.