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Friday, November 30, 2012

Radio Postscript

Doing the radio show was fun. They claim over 10,000 listeners to The Author’s Corner, so it was a great venue to try out. The main show concerned Myra Nour’s Book Trailers Showcase site and e-mag. Myra and BTS treat authors very well. I can attest to that. The first hour is about what they do there with their site, blog tours, review tours, and the e-mag. The host for the show, Author Elaine Raco Chase, keeps the show moving along very well, and I have no idea how she does it for three hours with amateur guests. She’s planning a YA show after the New Year, and asked if I wanted to come on and talk about DEMON, which I’ll be releasing at the end of December. I said oh yeah!  :)  I was able to put out quite a bit about my stuff in the ten minutes without being rushed at all. If anyone is interested in hearing about BTS, and the interviews, here’s the podcast address. You just go to the page and click on download this episode:

In other writing news I passed the 12,000 word mark in my new adventure novel, and 70 pages/70 minutes in my DEMON screenplay conversion. I’m thinking I may be able to make five movie screenplays out of the trilogy of novels. Still no feedback or word on the HARD CASE screenplay, but it's a great pipe dream.  :)


Charles Gramlich said...

Glad it went well, man. I hope you get lots of sales!

BernardL said...

Thanks, Charles. I think mostly I'll get a bit more name recognition for the future. This is sure a tough business, my friend. :)