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Monday, May 17, 2010

Unexplainable Immigration

The link at the bottom highlights many of the hardships faced by Arizona residents caused by the illegal alien invasion. One of the real eye openers in the well worded piece is that we issued visas to 16,000 Pakistanis. Huh?! I went to the US State Department website to confirm the figure. In 2009 we issued 14,935 visas to the Pakistanis, 3,052 to Yemen, 8,927 to Nigeria, 1,436 to Syria, 6,062 to Egypt, 6,316 to Iran, 2,049 to Lebanon, 4,166 to Iraq, 1,668 to Afghanistan, and 540 to Saudi Arabia (birthplace of 16 9/11 terrorists)… EXCUSE ME!!! There were a lot of others I have no clue as to why we’re taking so many in like over 3,000 from Albania (providing foreign fighters to Afghanistan), over 20,000 from Vietnam (What?), etc. Let me concentrate on nations either directly involved in 9/11, or who are either actively at war with us or are sponsoring terror and terrorists. We’re issuing nearly 50,000 visas yearly to potential enemy combatants. We are not at war with Mexico nor are they actively seeking to obliterate us. We do issue nearly 75,000 visas to them for good reason. Let’s back Arizona 100%, along with all other states in the border wars, enforce our borders, repel the illegal aliens South by making it impossible for them to get jobs or welfare, and give Mexico another 50,000 visas for their people to come here legally. We don’t need to be importing 50,000 Muslims here from known hotbeds of terror and if they don’t like it well that’s just too damn bad. Want to visit the USA if you’re a terror exporting or housing nation - stop exporting murder and mayhem, settle your internal strife, and enter the 21st century. Our visa program isn't a diversity beacon, it's a suicide pact with the devil.


Charles Gramlich said...

It would be nice to see Mexico's economy and outlook improve enough to make the issue less troublesome.

BernardL said...

Until Mexico gets a less corrupt government and we quit giving illegal aliens jobs, voting rights, free health care, schooling, and welfare I'm afraid the issue will never be less troublesome, Charles. Starting with ending immigration from terrorist sympathizing countries would at least allow more LEGAL immigrants from Mexico.

Bernita said...

Poor Mexican people- so much domestic terrorism.

BernardL said...

Innocents in the thousands die every year there, Bernita. Their case for increased legal immigration would be phenomenally better if they respected our laws; and when granted immigration legal status they didn't import the Mexican nationalism of a failed corrupt system. If we go to Mexico and wave American flags and demand rights we are not entitled to we would end up dead or imprisoned. The double standard is so blatant as to be a crime in itself.